Bên cạnh hướng dẫn Phân tích đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 WRITING TASK 1 (map)"The plans show a school library 5 years ago and the same library now"(kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR Phân tích đề 🔥"Describe your grandpa/grandma’s job"IELTS SPEAKING PART 2,3: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng
I. Đề bài
Describe your grandpa/grandma’s job
You should say
What job he/she does
What you know about his/her job
Whether it is his/her only job
And explain how you feel about his/her job
II. Kiến thức liên quan
IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn
III. Phân tích
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý bám sát vào các câu hỏi cue card của IELTS TUTOR để bố cục bài nói nhé:
Today, I would like to tell you about my paternal (adj - thuộc về cha / related to the father’s side of the family) grandfather, who was the proprietor (n - chủ sở hữu / an owner of a business) of a thriving (adj - phát đạt, thịnh vượng / growing, successful, and flourishing) brick manufacturing plant (compound noun - nhà máy sản xuất gạch / a factory that produces bricks) in my hometown.
My grandfather ran this family-run (adj - thuộc về gia đình quản lý / managed by a family) business for decades, overseeing everything from raw material procurement (compound noun - việc thu mua nguyên liệu / the process of obtaining necessary materials) to quality control inspections (compound noun - kiểm tra chất lượng / the process of checking products to ensure they meet the required standards). His company was a cornerstone (n - nền tảng, yếu tố quan trọng / something essential and fundamental) of the local economy, supplying bricks to numerous construction firms (compound noun - công ty xây dựng / businesses that specialize in building structures).
Interestingly, this was not his sole source of income. He also ventured into real estate investment (compound noun - đầu tư bất động sản / buying properties to sell or rent for profit), purchasing land and buildings to either lease or resell for a handsome profit (collocation - lợi nhuận lớn / a large financial gain). His ability to diversify his income streams (collocation - đa dạng hóa nguồn thu nhập / generate earnings from multiple sources) showcased his entrepreneurial acumen (collocation - tài kinh doanh / strong business skills and judgment).
I have always held profound admiration for my grandfather’s unwavering work ethic (collocation - đạo đức làm việc không lay chuyển / consistent and strong dedication to work) and keen business instincts (collocation - bản năng kinh doanh nhạy bén / sharp and natural ability in business). Although running a labor-intensive (adj - đòi hỏi nhiều lao động / requiring a lot of physical effort and workforce) business comes with a myriad of (collocation - rất nhiều / a large number of) logistical (adj - liên quan đến hậu cần / related to managing operations and supply chains) challenges, he handled everything with unparalleled dexterity (collocation - sự khéo léo không gì sánh bằng / exceptional skill and efficiency). His journey has instilled in me a deep appreciation for hard work, resilience, and the importance of adaptability in business (collocation - khả năng thích nghi trong kinh doanh / the ability to adjust to changes in the market).
New Vocabulary & Meanings
- paternal (adj - thuộc về cha / related to the father’s side of the family)
- proprietor (n - chủ sở hữu / an owner of a business)
- thriving (adj - phát đạt, thịnh vượng / growing, successful, and flourishing)
- brick manufacturing plant (compound noun - nhà máy sản xuất gạch / a factory that produces bricks)
- family-run (adj - thuộc về gia đình quản lý / managed by a family)
- raw material procurement (compound noun - việc thu mua nguyên liệu / the process of obtaining necessary materials)
- quality control inspections (compound noun - kiểm tra chất lượng / the process of checking products to ensure they meet the required standards)
- cornerstone (n - nền tảng, yếu tố quan trọng / something essential and fundamental)
- construction firms (compound noun - công ty xây dựng / businesses that specialize in building structures)
- real estate investment (compound noun - đầu tư bất động sản / buying properties to sell or rent for profit)
- handsome profit (collocation - lợi nhuận lớn / a large financial gain)
- diversify his income streams (collocation - đa dạng hóa nguồn thu nhập / generate earnings from multiple sources)
- entrepreneurial acumen (collocation - tài kinh doanh / strong business skills and judgment)
- unwavering work ethic (collocation - đạo đức làm việc không lay chuyển / consistent and strong dedication to work)
- keen business instincts (collocation - bản năng kinh doanh nhạy bén / sharp and natural ability in business)
- labor-intensive (adj - đòi hỏi nhiều lao động / requiring a lot of physical effort and workforce)
- a myriad of (collocation - rất nhiều / a large number of)
- logistical (adj - liên quan đến hậu cần / related to managing operations and supply chains)
- unparalleled dexterity (collocation - sự khéo léo không gì sánh bằng / exceptional skill and efficiency)
- adaptability in business (collocation - khả năng thích nghi trong kinh doanh / the ability to adjust to changes in the market)
Synonyms & Antonyms
1. Proprietor (n)
- Synonyms: owner, businessperson, entrepreneur
- Antonyms: employee, tenant, customer
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: My grandfather was the proprietor of a thriving brick manufacturing plant in my hometown.
2. Thriving (adj)
- Synonyms: flourishing, prosperous, booming
- Antonyms: declining, struggling, failing
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: His business was a thriving one, contributing significantly to the local economy.
3. Entrepreneurial acumen (collocation)
- Synonyms: business expertise, commercial insight, financial intelligence
- Antonyms: business incompetence, financial ignorance, economic misjudgment
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: His entrepreneurial acumen helped him diversify his income streams beyond the brick industry.
Difficult Grammar Structures & Examples
1. Relative Clause for Additional Information
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: "My grandfather, who was the proprietor of a thriving brick manufacturing plant, ran the business for decades."
- Translation: "Ông tôi, người là chủ sở hữu một nhà máy sản xuất gạch phát đạt, đã điều hành công việc kinh doanh trong nhiều thập kỷ."
2. Not Only… But Also for Emphasis
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: "Not only did he run a successful brick business, but he also expanded into real estate investment."
- Translation: "Không những ông ấy điều hành một công ty gạch thành công, mà ông ấy còn mở rộng sang đầu tư bất động sản."
3. Passive Voice for a Formal Tone
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: "His company was regarded as a cornerstone of the local economy."
- Translation: "Công ty của ông ấy được xem như một nền tảng quan trọng của nền kinh tế địa phương."
4. Cleft Sentence for Emphasis
- IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: "It was his keen business instincts that helped him sustain the business for so long."
- Translation: "Chính bản năng kinh doanh nhạy bén của ông ấy đã giúp ông duy trì công việc kinh doanh trong thời gian dài."
IV. Part 3
1. What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?
Certain jobs are particularly challenging due to their gruelling (adj - khắc nghiệt, cực nhọc / extremely tiring and demanding) nature and the high-stakes responsibilities (compound noun - trách nhiệm lớn / crucial duties with serious consequences) they entail. Physically demanding (adj - đòi hỏi thể lực cao / requiring great physical effort) jobs, such as construction work or firefighting, push workers to their absolute limits (collocation - giới hạn cuối cùng / the maximum extent of one’s capabilities). These professions require exceptional stamina and endurance (collocation - sức bền và sự chịu đựng / the ability to sustain physical effort over long periods), often in hazardous environments (collocation - môi trường nguy hiểm / places posing significant risks to safety). For instance, firefighters must carry heavy equipment while working in extreme heat, which takes a toll on (idiom - ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến / negatively impacts) their bodies over time.
On the other hand, jobs that demand mental acuity (collocation - sự nhạy bén về tinh thần / sharpness in thinking and problem-solving) can be equally tough. Surgeons and air traffic controllers (compound noun - kiểm soát viên không lưu / professionals who manage aircraft movements), for example, must make split-second decisions that directly impact people’s lives. Such high-pressure roles can lead to chronic stress (collocation - căng thẳng mãn tính / long-term stress that negatively affects health) and burnout (n - kiệt sức do công việc / a state of extreme exhaustion caused by prolonged stress). This is why these jobs often require rigorous training, strict concentration, and exceptional decision-making prowess (collocation - khả năng ra quyết định xuất sắc / outstanding ability to make choices effectively).
2. Do you think some jobs are higher paid than others?
Absolutely, the disparity in wages (collocation - sự chênh lệch về lương / differences in salary levels) exists due to differences in expertise requirements (collocation - yêu cầu chuyên môn / necessary skills and knowledge for a job) and market demand. Highly specialized (adj - có chuyên môn cao / requiring deep knowledge and skills in a particular field) professions, such as neurosurgeons or AI engineers, command lucrative salaries (collocation - mức lương hậu hĩnh / very high earnings) due to the years of training and expertise required. For instance, a neurosurgeon’s job involves intricate procedures that directly affect patients’ survival, making their compensation package (compound noun - gói đãi ngộ / total earnings including salary and benefits) reflect the gravity of their responsibilities (collocation - mức độ nghiêm trọng của trách nhiệm / the serious nature of their duties).>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề 100 đề PART 2 IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR
Conversely, jobs that are labor-intensive (adj - đòi hỏi nhiều lao động / requiring a lot of physical effort and workforce) but require little formal education, such as cleaning or factory work, tend to offer meagre wages (collocation - mức lương ít ỏi / very low earnings). Despite their importance in society, these roles are often undervalued due to the oversupply of labor (collocation - dư thừa lao động / too many workers available for the job). As a result, while fairness in pay is an ongoing debate, economic realities dictate (collocation - các yếu tố kinh tế quyết định / financial factors influence a situation) that higher-paying jobs are typically those requiring technical proficiency (collocation - kỹ năng chuyên môn / specialized technical skills) and extensive training.
3. Some people say that doing difficult jobs is more interesting than normal jobs. Do you agree?
Yes, challenging jobs can be more stimulating because they provide a sense of purpose (collocation - cảm giác có mục đích / a feeling that one’s work has meaning and significance) and require problem-solving prowess (collocation - khả năng giải quyết vấn đề xuất sắc / exceptional ability to handle complex situations). People in high-risk professions (compound noun - nghề nghiệp có rủi ro cao / jobs that involve significant danger or responsibility), such as emergency doctors or military personnel, often experience adrenaline-fueled excitement (collocation - cảm giác phấn khích nhờ adrenaline / a rush of energy from high-pressure situations). For instance, an emergency doctor must react swiftly to life-threatening conditions, making their work dynamic and unpredictable, which some find exhilarating.
However, not everyone thrives in such high-stakes (adj - rủi ro cao, quan trọng / involving serious consequences or risks) environments. Many people prefer mundane yet stable (adj - tẻ nhạt nhưng ổn định / unexciting but secure and predictable) jobs that offer a predictable work routine (collocation - lịch làm việc dễ đoán / a set schedule with little variation). A librarian or office administrator, for example, might not face nerve-racking challenges (collocation - thách thức căng thẳng / extremely stressful situations) but can still find satisfaction in the structure and reliability of their role. Ultimately, job interest is subjective (adj - mang tính chủ quan / based on personal preference rather than fact), as what excites one person may bore another.
4. Do you think robots will replace human workers in the future?
Robots will undoubtedly take over repetitive manual labor (collocation - công việc chân tay lặp đi lặp lại / tasks that require the same physical actions repeatedly), but they are unlikely to replace all human workers. In manufacturing, automated machinery (compound noun - máy móc tự động / self-operating industrial equipment) already performs tasks with greater precision and efficiency (collocation - độ chính xác và hiệu suất cao / accuracy and productivity in performing a task) than humans. For example, car assembly lines now rely on robotic arms (compound noun - cánh tay robot / mechanical arms used in industrial work) to complete intricate welding and painting processes. This shift enhances productivity while reducing human error.
However, jobs requiring emotional intelligence (collocation - trí tuệ cảm xúc / the ability to understand and manage emotions) and creative problem-solving (collocation - khả năng giải quyết vấn đề sáng tạo / the ability to think of innovative solutions) will remain human-dominated (adj - do con người thống trị / primarily controlled by people). Professions like therapy, education, and artistic work demand empathy and adaptability (collocation - sự thấu cảm và khả năng thích ứng / the ability to understand emotions and adjust to changes), which robots struggle to replicate. For instance, while AI chatbots can provide customer service, they lack the ability to read between the lines (idiom - hiểu ẩn ý / understand implicit meanings in communication), making human intervention necessary in complex interactions.
Follow-up Question
Do any other family members continue this profession?
No, my grandfather’s brick manufacturing plant (compound noun - nhà máy sản xuất gạch / a factory that produces bricks) was the last of its kind in our family. My father and uncles pursued careers in corporate sectors (compound noun - lĩnh vực doanh nghiệp / industries related to business and finance) instead, as they found white-collar professions (compound noun - nghề văn phòng / jobs that involve administrative or managerial work rather than physical labor) more appealing. However, I still admire my grandfather’s entrepreneurial legacy (collocation - di sản kinh doanh / the business achievements passed down from one generation to another) and the resilience (n - sự kiên cường / the ability to recover from difficulties) he demonstrated in running the business.

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