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Phân tích đề "Describe something you would like to learn in the future" IELTS SPEAKING PART 2

May 8, 2024

Bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 1 (map) về school library (kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR Phân tích đề "Describe something you would like to learn in the future" IELTS SPEAKING PART 2.

I. Đề bài

Describe something you would like to learn in the future.

You should say

  • What it is 
  • How you would like to learn it 
  • Why you would like to learn it 
  • And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

II. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn

III. Phân tích

IELTS TUTOR lưu ý bám sát vào các câu hỏi cue card của IELTS TUTOR để bố cục bài nói nhé:

  • What it is 
    • One thing I would like to learn in the future is coding or computer programming.
  • How you would like to learn it 
    • I would prefer to learn coding through online courses, interactive platforms, and possibly joining coding communities or attending coding boot camps. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng động từ"attend"tiếng anh
    • These methods provide flexibility, practical hands-on experience, and the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field.
  • Why you would like to learn it 
    • I would like to learn coding because it has become an increasingly important skill in today's digital world. 
    • It offers countless opportunities for problem-solving, creativity, and innovation
  • And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it - Learning coding can present challenges
    • Main idea 1: Coding involves understanding and applying various programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving techniques. 
      • Supporting idea: 
        • These concepts can be intricate and abstract, especially for beginners. 
        • Grasping the fundamental principles and effectively translating them into functional code can require time, patience, and dedicated effort. 
    • Main idea 2: Coding is a skill that requires continuous learning and adaptation. 
      • Supporting idea: 
        • Technology is constantly evolving, and new frameworks, libraries, and programming languages emerge regularly. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng động từ"emerge"tiếng anh
        • Staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and mastering new tools can be overwhelming. 
        • The learning curve can be steep, particularly when initially starting out, and it may take time to become proficient in coding. 
        • It often requires consistent practice, troubleshooting, and the ability to learn from mistakes.

IELTS TUTOR gợi ý bài tham khảo:

Alright, let's talk about something I'm quite keen on exploring in the near future – coding or computer programming. Now, the reason behind my interest is pretty straightforward. In today's digital age, coding has become like a universal language, you know? It's everywhere, from apps on our phones to the software running our computers. So, understanding it opens up a world of possibilities.

Now, when it comes to how I want to dive into this realm of coding, I've got a plan. I'm eyeing online courses and interactive platforms as my go-to resources. They offer the flexibility I need to learn at my own pace and the chance to get hands-on experience, which, let's face it, is crucial when you're dealing with coding. Besides, I'm thinking about joining coding communities or maybe even attending one of those intense coding boot camps. Surrounding myself with like-minded folks and learning from experienced professionals seems like a solid strategy.>> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 2 (dạng advantages & disadvantages) NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi)

Now, let's address the elephant in the room – is coding a walk in the park? Not quite. It definitely comes with its fair share of challenges. For starters, wrapping your head around various programming languages, algorithms, and data structures can feel like diving into the deep end of a very complex pool. Trust me, it's not for the faint-hearted. And even after you've grasped the basics, there's this constant need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. The field of coding is like a never-ending race, with new frameworks and programming languages emerging faster than you can say "HTML". So yeah, staying on top of things can be a bit overwhelming.

But hey, despite the hurdles, I'm all in. Because at the end of the day, coding isn't just about lines of code or fancy algorithms. It's about problem-solving, creativity, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. And I'm ready to take on the challenge, armed with determination, patience, and a whole lot of coffee.

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