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Phân tích đề "Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result" IELTS SPEAKING

May 3, 2024

Bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 1 (map) về school library (kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR Phân tích đề "Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result" IELTS SPEAKING

I. Đề bài

Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result
You should say:

  • What risk you took
  • What bad thing you thought might happen
  • Why you decided to take this risk
  • And explain why the result of taking this risk was positive

II. Kiến thức liên quan

III. Phân tích

IELTS TUTOR lưu ý bám sát vào các câu hỏi cue card của IELTS TUTOR để bố cục bài nói nhé:

  • What risk you took
    • So, there was this time when I took a significant risk, which was leaving my high-paying job in Singapore to start my own business back in my hometown. 
  • What bad thing you thought might happen
    • It was a tough decision because I knew that leaving a stable job in a thriving city like Singapore meant there was a possibility of financial instability and failure in my entrepreneurial pursuit.
    • I thought about the worst-case scenarios a lot. I was worried about the business not taking off, losing my investment, and even facing criticism from friends and family for leaving a well-paying job for something uncertain.>> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ SỬA BÀI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ĐỀ THI THẬT NGÀY 22/8/2020 của HS IELTS TUTOR đạt 6.5 Writing
  • Why you decided to take this risk
    • However, I decided to take this risk because deep down, I felt a strong passion and conviction for entrepreneurship. 
    • I wanted to create something meaningful, to contribute to my community, and to pursue my dreams of running my own business. 
    • I also believed in the potential of my hometown's market and saw opportunities that aligned with my skills and interests.
  • And explain why the result of taking this risk was positive

Surprisingly, the result of taking this risk turned out to be incredibly positive for many reasons

      • Main idea 1: Being back in my hometown, I had a better understanding of the local market dynamics and customer preferences, which helped me tailor my products/services accordingly. 
        • Supporting idea:
          • This familiarity stemmed from growing up in the community, interacting with locals on a daily basis, and being aware of the cultural nuances and trends specific to the area.
          • Having this insider knowledge allowed me to tailor my products and services to better meet the needs and desires of the local population.
      • Main idea 2: Moreover, the support from the community was overwhelming, as they appreciated a local entrepreneur investing in the town.
        • Supporting idea:
          • The close-knit nature of small towns often leads to strong word-of-mouth marketing. 
          • Positive experiences and recommendations from satisfied customers quickly spread within the community, generating buzz and driving more people to try out my offerings.

IELTS TUTOR gợi ý bài tham khảo:

So, there was this time when I took a significant risk, which was leaving my high-paying job in Singapore to start my own business back in my hometown. It was a tough decision because I knew that leaving a stable job in a thriving city like Singapore meant there was a possibility of financial instability and failure in my entrepreneurial pursuit. I thought about the worst-case scenarios a lot. I was worried about the business not taking off, losing my investment, and even facing criticism from friends and family for leaving a well-paying job for something uncertain.>> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 1 (Complaint letter) NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi)

However, I decided to take this risk because deep down, I felt a strong passion and conviction for entrepreneurship. I wanted to create something meaningful, to contribute to my community, and to pursue my dreams of running my own business. I also believed in the potential of my hometown's market and saw opportunities that aligned with my skills and interests.

Surprisingly, the result of taking this risk turned out to be incredibly positive for many reasons. Firstly, being back in my hometown provided me with a unique advantage. I had a better understanding of the local market dynamics and customer preferences. This familiarity stemmed from growing up in the community, interacting with locals on a daily basis, and being aware of the cultural nuances and trends specific to the area. Having this insider knowledge allowed me to tailor my products and services to better meet the needs and desires of the local population. Moreover, the support from the community was overwhelming, as they appreciated a local entrepreneur investing in the town. The close-knit nature of small towns often leads to strong word-of-mouth marketing. Positive experiences and recommendations from satisfied customers quickly spread within the community, generating buzz and driving more people to try out my offerings.

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